Saturday 27 August 2011

the story of cosmetics with Annie Leonard

"the ugly truth of toxins in and toxins out"
 Toxic outrage in bathroom, less than 20% of its chemicals are checked in the safety industry . Leonard found that in a pantene bottle of shampoo contains chemicals such as carcinogens which causes cancer and neurotoxins causing harm in the reproductive area. All these toxic chemicals help make your hair shine. Other cosmetics are found to give asthma, cancer and damage to sperm. mystery chemicals, wait to see what happens, lead in lipstick, choices are endless, companies and governments decide what is on the shelf, herbal essence, hair relaxes, skin whitening, estee lauder for breast cancer but they are using chemicals that give cancer, no laws to get rid of them, FDA does not even asses the chemical (ingredients) that are in these cosmetics, and not all ingredients have to be listed on the bottle, the industry safety committee is a broken system, 
over the past 50 years, only 8 products have been taken off by the FDA where 12000 others are on the shelf today. 

Luckily there are resources online: to help people be precautionary principles, by taking off the past '50s mindset' and green chemistry.European governments have also taken away many products off the market, trying to shift the government into taking action- providing the FDA more power to take control of accessing healthy products back onto our shelves. We want to feel safe and healthy when buying cosmetics.

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